Search result for Paul

6 combos

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Paul    By Ahadiaprian on the 10/16/2016

Quarter circle frontLPInstant While StandingLKDown / BackRPBackLPRPDashDownRKJUST FRAMERPJUST FRAMELP+RP

qcf 1,iWS 3,d/b 2,b 1 2,dash d 4 : 2 : 1+2

0 # 2496 Damages SOLO: 85 #Left Side (P1)
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Paul    By Ahadiaprian on the 10/16/2016


u/f 3 4,b 1 2,dash d 4 : 2 : 1+2

0 # 2497 Damages SOLO: 71 Hits: 7 #Left Side (P1)

Paul    By Pual on the 09/13/2016


d/f 2,1,1,b 1 2,dash d 4 2 : 1+2

1 # 2485 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Paul    By DOOM on the 09/13/2016

Up / ForwardRKLPRPBackLPRPLKRPDownDown / ForwardForwardRPWall Splat

u/f 4,1 2,b 1 2,3 2,d d/f f 2 W!

0 # 2486 Damages SOLO: 72 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)
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You need to be a near from the wall.

Paul    By japanfan67 on the 09/30/2014

Quarter circle frontRPWall SplatSide Step LeftDown / ForwardLPLPWall SplatForwardLP+RPDown / ForwardLPBackDown / ForwardLPBackDownLP+RP

qcf 2 W!,SSL d/f 1 1 W!,f 1+2,d/f 1 b,d/f 1 b,d 1+2

0 # 1954 Damages SOLO: 105 Hits: 7 #Left Side (P1)

Paul    By momokijou on the 04/25/2014

Counter Hit
Quarter circle backRKQuarter circle frontLPForwardRPBackLPRPDashDownRKRPJUST FRAMELP+RP

qcb 4,qcf 1,f 2,b 1 2,dash d 4 2 : 1+2

1 # 517 #Left Side (P1)
Paul: qcf 1,iWS 3,d/b 2,b 1 2,dash d 4 : 2 : 1+2 [~85 SOLO DAMMAGES]
Paul: u/f 3 4,b 1 2,dash d 4 : 2 : 1+2 [~71 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~7 HITS]
Paul: d/f 2,1,1,b 1 2,dash d 4 2 : 1+2 [~8 HITS]
Paul: u/f 4,1 2,b 1 2,3 2,d d/f f 2 W! [~72 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Paul: qcf 2 W!,SSL d/f 1 1 W!,f 1+2,d/f 1 b,d/f 1 b,d 1+2 [~105 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~7 HITS]
Paul: (CH) qcb 4,qcf 1,f 2,b 1 2,dash d 4 2 : 1+2

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