Search result for Kuma

11 combos

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Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 09/27/2014

ForwardRPLPWall SplatSide Step LeftDown / ForwardRPLPWall SplatDashDown / ForwardLKRPDown / ForwardRKDownLP+RP

f 2 1 W!,SSL d/f 2 1 W!,dash d/f 3 2,d/f 4,d 1+2

0 # 1939 Damages SOLO: 89 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 08/24/2014

BackBackUp / BackDown / ForwardLKRPDashDown / ForwardRKDown / ForwardRPLP

b b u/b,d/f 3 2,dash d/f 4,d/f 2 1

0 # 1857 Damages SOLO: 62 Hits: 6 #Left Side (P1)
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Lorsque vous êtes dos au mur.

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 08/22/2014

Counter Hit
ForwardLPLPLPDown / ForwardRKDown / BackLPRPDashDown / ForwardRPDown / ForwardRPLP

f 1 1 1,d/f 4,d/b 1 2,dash d/f 2,d/f 2 1

0 # 1830 Damages SOLO: 72 Hits: 9 #Left Side (P1)
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Seulement pour MokuKuma.

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 08/04/2014

Down / BackRKCrouch CancelDown / ForwardRKForwardLPDashDown / BackLPRPDashDown / ForwardRPLP

d/b 4,cc d/f 4,f 1,dash d/b 1 2,dash d/f 2 1

0 # 1681 Damages SOLO: 59 Hits: 7 #Left Side (P1)
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Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 08/04/2014

Counter Hit
ForwardLPLPLPBackRPLPDown / ForwardRPDown / ForwardRPLP

f 1 1 1,b 2 1,d/f 2,d/f 2 1

0 # 1682 Damages SOLO: 64 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 08/04/2014

Counter Hit
Down / ForwardLPRPLPRPWhile StandingLP+RPLP+RPLK+RKHunting Bear StanceBackLP+RPLP+RP

d/f 1 2 1 2,WS 1+2 1+2 3+4,HBS b 1+2 1+2

0 # 1683 Damages SOLO: 91 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 08/04/2014

Counter Hit
Full CrouchDown / ForwardRPDown / ForwardLPRPWhile StandingLP+RPLP+RPLK+RKHunting Bear StanceBackLP+RPLP+RP

FC d/f 2 d/f 1 2,WS 1+2 1+2 3+4,HBS b 1+2 1+2

0 # 1684 Damages SOLO: 84 Hits: 7 #Left Side (P1)

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 08/04/2014

ForwardForwardLP+RKWall SplatDown / ForwardLKRPDown / BackLP+RPLP+RPRP

f f 1+4 W!,d/f 3 2,d/b 1+2 1+2 2

0 # 1685 Damages SOLO: 53 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 07/03/2014

Prowling Grizzly Roll Down / ForwardLP+RPUpBackRPLPForwardLPDown / BackLPRPForwardForwardRP

ROL d/f 1+2,u,b 2 1,f 1,d/b 1 2,f f 2

0 # 1566 Damages SOLO: 67 Hits: 7 #Left Side (P1)
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Seulement possible avec MokuKuma ou MokuPanda.

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 07/03/2014

Hunting Bear StanceLP+RPDashDown / ForwardLKRPDashBackRPLPLP+RP

HBS 1+2,dash d/f 3 2,dash b 2 1 1+2

0 # 1567 Damages SOLO: 73 Hits: 6 #Left Side (P1)

Kuma    By japanfan67 on the 07/03/2014

Counter Hit
Down / ForwardLKRPDown / ForwardLKRPDashDown / ForwardRKDown / ForwardRPLP

( d/f 3 ) 2,d/f 3 2,dash d/f 4,d/f 2 1

0 # 1568 Damages SOLO: 70 Hits: 6 #Left Side (P1)
Kuma: f 2 1 W!,SSL d/f 2 1 W!,dash d/f 3 2,d/f 4,d 1+2 [~89 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Kuma: b b u/b,d/f 3 2,dash d/f 4,d/f 2 1 [~62 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~6 HITS]
Kuma: (CH) f 1 1 1,d/f 4,d/b 1 2,dash d/f 2,d/f 2 1 [~72 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~9 HITS]
Kuma: d/b 4,cc d/f 4,f 1,dash d/b 1 2,dash d/f 2 1 [~59 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~7 HITS]
Kuma: (CH) f 1 1 1,b 2 1,d/f 2,d/f 2 1 [~64 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Kuma: (CH) d/f 1 2 1 2,WS 1+2 1+2 3+4,HBS b 1+2 1+2 [~91 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Kuma: (CH) FC d/f 2 d/f 1 2,WS 1+2 1+2 3+4,HBS b 1+2 1+2 [~84 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~7 HITS]
Kuma: f f 1+4 W!,d/f 3 2,d/b 1+2 1+2 2 [~53 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Kuma: ROL d/f 1+2,u,b 2 1,f 1,d/b 1 2,f f 2 [~67 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~7 HITS]
Kuma: HBS 1+2,dash d/f 3 2,dash b 2 1 1+2 [~73 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~6 HITS]
Kuma: (CH) ( d/f 3 ) 2,d/f 3 2,dash d/f 4,d/f 2 1 [~70 SOLO DAMMAGES] [~6 HITS]

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