Search result for Christie & Eddy

9 combos

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Christie / Eddy    By ProtosHeis on the 05/16/2014

Counter Hit Wall

b 1 4 3+4,RLX 2,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; 3 4 W! ; u/f 3+4

0 # 1024 Damages TAG: 135 Hits: 13 #Left Side (P1)

Christie / Eddy    By ProtosHeis on the 05/16/2014

Counter Hit

b 1 4 3+4 b,HSP 1 5 ; 3 4 ; SSR 4 ~ 3

0 # 1025 Damages TAG: 118 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Christie / Eddy    By ProtosHeis on the 05/16/2014

ForwardHold ForwardRKHandstand PositionRPWhile StandingLPLKRelaxed PositionRPRKTAGTAG ASSAULTSide StepRKLKTAG ASSAULTSide StepRKLK

f F 4,HSP 2,WS 1 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; SS 4 3 ; SS 4 ~ 3

0 # 1026 Damages TAG: 94 Hits: 9 #Left Side (P1)

Christie / Eddy    By ProtosHeis on the 05/16/2014

Side StepLK+RKHold DownWhile StandingLPLKRelaxed PositionRPRKTAGTAG ASSAULTSide Step RightRKLKTAG ASSAULTSide Step RightRKLK

SS 3+4 D,WS 1 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; SSR 4 3 ; SSR 4 ~ 3

0 # 1028 Damages TAG: 74 Hits: 9 #Left Side (P1)

Christie / Eddy    By ProtosHeis on the 05/16/2014

While StandingRPQuarter circle frontLKBackLKLKRelaxed PositionRPRKTAGTAG ASSAULTSide StepRKLKTAG ASSAULTSide StepRKLK

WS 2,qcf 3,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; SS 4 3 ; SS 4 ~ 3

0 # 1030 Damages TAG: 82 Hits: 9 #Left Side (P1)

Eddy / Christie    By japanfan67 on the 04/30/2014

Low Pary
Low ParyBackLKLKTAGBackLKLKTAGWhile RunningRK

LP b 3 3 5,b 3 3 5,WR 4

0 # 624 Damages TAG: 37 Hits: 5 #Left Side (P1)
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Comme vous vous y attendiez sans doute, on peut le faire avec Eddy ou Christie d'abord. ^^

Eddy / Christie    By Teri400 on the 04/29/2014

Down / ForwardBackLKLKRelaxed PositionRPRKTAGSide Step LeftRKLKTAG ASSAULTSide Step LeftRKLK

d/f 3+4+5,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5,SSL 4 3 ; SSL 4 ~ 3

0 # 579 Damages TAG: 82 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Eddy / Christie    By Teri400 on the 04/29/2014

Down / ForwardBackLKBackLPRKTAGSide Step LeftRKLKTAG ASSAULTSide Step LeftRKLK

d/f 3+4+5,b 3 3+5,b 1 4 5,SSL 4 3 ; SSL 4 ~ 3

0 # 580 Damages TAG: 83 Hits: 8 #Left Side (P1)

Eddy / Christie    By Teri400 on the 04/29/2014

Down / ForwardLK+RKBackLPBackLKLKRelaxed PositionRPRKTAGHandstand PositionRPRKLKTAG ASSAULTForwardForwardLK

d/f 3+4,b 1,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5,HSP 2 4 3 ; f f 3

0 # 581 Damages TAG: 86 Hits: 10 #Left Side (P1)
Christie / Eddy: (CH) b 1 4 3+4,RLX 2,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; 3 4 W! ; u/f 3+4 [~135 TAG DAMMAGES] [~13 HITS]
Christie / Eddy: (CH) b 1 4 3+4 b,HSP 1 5 ; 3 4 ; SSR 4 ~ 3 [~118 TAG DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Christie / Eddy: f F 4,HSP 2,WS 1 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; SS 4 3 ; SS 4 ~ 3 [~94 TAG DAMMAGES] [~9 HITS]
Christie / Eddy: SS 3+4 D,WS 1 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; SSR 4 3 ; SSR 4 ~ 3 [~74 TAG DAMMAGES] [~9 HITS]
Christie / Eddy: WS 2,qcf 3,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5 ; SS 4 3 ; SS 4 ~ 3 [~82 TAG DAMMAGES] [~9 HITS]
Eddy / Christie: (Low Parray) LP b 3 3 5,b 3 3 5,WR 4 [~37 TAG DAMMAGES] [~5 HITS]
Eddy / Christie: d/f 3+4+5,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5,SSL 4 3 ; SSL 4 ~ 3 [~82 TAG DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Eddy / Christie: d/f 3+4+5,b 3 3+5,b 1 4 5,SSL 4 3 ; SSL 4 ~ 3 [~83 TAG DAMMAGES] [~8 HITS]
Eddy / Christie: d/f 3+4,b 1,b 3 3,RLX 2 4 5,HSP 2 4 3 ; f f 3 [~86 TAG DAMMAGES] [~10 HITS]

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